Apanemi Stegi
Founded in 2022, “Apanemi Stegi” is the birthchild of the free will of a group of indepenendently-minded friends who share a common vision. Our goal is to create a not-for-profit organisation to provide assistance of every kind, to children, women, adults and minorities, who find themselves in situations requiring urgent and vital support.

Judging that the multifaceted upheavals of our modern times threaten the financial, physical and mental well-being of our weakest co-citizens, we consciously undertake the initiative and the resulting burden of responsibility to bring into existence this charitable social organisation.
“Apanemi Stegi” was created out of the desire to offer practical solidarity to every human who has and who expresses a need, since we believe that access to dignity and to a better quality of life is a universal human right.
The focal point of our care is the search to find shelter, employment, and the necessary material goods of a good life.
“Apanemi Stegi” was created out of the desire to offer practical solidarity to every human who has and who expresses a need, since we believe that access to dignity and to a better quality of life is a universal human right.
The focal point of our care is the search to find shelter, employment, and the necessary material goods of a good life.
The experiences of those children whose “I am born on the wrong planet” gaze condemns us silently, is the fuel that lights up the way towards our oecumenical duty.
Keenly aware οf our origins, our aim to safeguard the legal status of our endeavors and the complexity of our activities, we CALL UPON FRIENDS-MEMBERS of “Apanemi Stegi” to volunteer their services, psychological as well as juridical, with all the means and strengths that they possess, for the growth and constant improvement of this humanitarian venture.
You are all welcome to communicate with us for further information.
Keenly aware οf our origins, our aim to safeguard the legal status of our endeavors and the complexity of our activities, we CALL UPON FRIENDS-MEMBERS of “Apanemi Stegi” to volunteer their services, psychological as well as juridical, with all the means and strengths that they possess, for the growth and constant improvement of this humanitarian venture.
You are all welcome to communicate with us for further information.
How to contribute
You can support Apanemi Stegi to implement its actions by making any bank deposit you wish
If you wish to donate or to deliver items/goods, please contact our office
Apanemi Stegi provides aid to children, adults and any person who is in need of vital support. We are here for you!